“And they said it was only just a dream.”
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First Award
Rabu, 30 Juni 2010 19.21

writer : Mayang
firstly, we would say thanks for littleshopperholic who gave us this award. TYVM!

1. How many blogs do you have and how old are they?
because this blog was made from the coorporation of mayang and Sharren, so this blog has 4 owner. They're  : Mayang, Sharren, Lintang, Prilla. Sharren, Lintang, Prilla have 1 blog. And Mayang have 3 blogs (includeing one Tumblr There). i dont know how old their blog. :D so i skip this section, ya.
2. Since when have you known about blogging world?
I was browsing on Internet, and
i found some fashion bloggers. and im interested to made own blog.
3. Why were you interested in blogging ?
Blog give us free room to write our experiences and we can do cyber communication with others blogger from others place/country.
 4. What are the plus and minus points of your blog?  
plus : hem, we don't know. only the people out there that know.
minus : still learn how to mix and match fashion outfits. nobody perfect.

5. This award’s tagged for :
littleshopperholic, because we don't have any fashion blogger connection yet.



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